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Central Extermination

pepites55 Avatar
Je fais affaire avec eux depuis plusieurs années essentiellement contre les souris. Service professionnel et efficace. Ricardo est vraiment un gars sympathique.
Ste Cour Avatar
Ste Cour
Trés bon service. Le techicien est compétent et arrive à l'heure mentionné, malgré les imprévus du travail et de la circulation.
Amanda Michetti Avatar
Amanda Michetti
Prompt and professional service! Ricky came out to see us on a Saturday and helped us get rid of our problem. Great service, would highly recommend.
Ginette Bazergui Avatar
Ginette Bazergui
As one of the Board members of SCMW, this is the second time we use Central Extermination for our condo project. We were very satisfied with the service provided 8 years ago and had no problems until this year. As the first time, Frank was great, quickly responded with a quote. and answered every question I had. Riccardo showed up at exactly the time he was supposed and checked all the units and then submitted a detailed report. This is a great company and I highly recommend it.
Karyn Lefrancois Avatar
Karyn Lefrancois
Nous avons fait affaire avec Centrale Extermination pour des souris dans notre plex. La durée du contrat qu’ils offrent est très intéressante puisque cela peut presque chevaucher 2 saisons plus froides, donc 2 possibilités d’entrées de souris. À chacun de nos appels, toujours courtois et visite établie dans un délai très raisonnable. Ils tentent de trouver l’origine et les ouvertures à obturer afin d’enrayer également le problème à la source. Je les recommande fortement.
Rocco Mosquito Avatar
Rocco Mosquito
Excellent service, ponctuel et expert dans leur domaine. Service amical et efficace avec Ricardo et Frank.
Picaholdings Avatar
Always Excellent service!!
try heng Avatar
try heng
C'est une bonne entreprise!
Mauro Calli Avatar
Mauro Calli
Will answer your call 99.9% of the time and if Frank doesn't he will call you back ASAP. He will get you a date as quickly as he can and Ricky will come by and do an excellent job. Recommend.
Clothilde Petitjean Avatar
Clothilde Petitjean
Nous avons été très satisfaits du service de Central Extermination.Nous avons fait appel à eux pour neutraliser un nid de guêpes. Ils nous ont donné un créneau de 2h pour leur passage et ont respecté le créneau indiqué. L'intervenant était très sympathique, très professionnel et a effectué la neutralisation rapidement à un prix raisonnable.
Mike F Avatar
Mike F
Amazing company, the exterminator did such a great job. No issues. Highly recommend
Giulio Del Vecchio Avatar
Giulio Del Vecchio
Quick response and excellent service. Ricky you’re the man. Thanks
Sudhir Gupta Avatar
Sudhir Gupta
Excellent service in everything, no complaints so far !
Amanda Why Avatar
Amanda Why
I called them this morning, because I found a bunch of maggot-like larvae on my kitchen ceiling. The person who answered was very kind and understanding. He suggested different products I could use, how to use them, and where I could buy these products as they only provide the extermination service, and don't sell the products.

I had called 4-5 exterminators before Central Extermination, and they were the only ones who tried to help me by explaining what I could do to get rid of the larvae! They didn't try to push me to use their services either. I expect to use them in the future if I require their services! Highly recommend them as they are honest and trying to help people.

Thank you for your help!
gilly chani tmmysdlmsrs Avatar
gilly chani tmmysdlmsrs
Great honest not money hungry they do the job.
Alberto De Iaco Avatar
Alberto De Iaco
I been using there service for at least 10 years, Great service, always calls back and always on time and always solves the problem. Alberto
Marie-Anne Jean Avatar
Marie-Anne Jean
Je suis très satisfaite du travail de l’entreprise CENTRAL EXTERMINATION. Dès mon premier appel je me suis sentie en confiance, parce que la personne qui m’a répondu m’a donné un estimé honnête en fonction de mon problème que j’ai exposé. Cela contrairement à d’autres entreprises d’extermination qui nous réservent la surprise du coût de leur service une fois arrivées sur les lieux. De plus, CENTRAL EXTERMINATION offre une garantie d’un an, contrairement à plusieurs autres compagnies d’extermination qui offrent une garantie de six (6) mois tout au plus. Enfin, j’ai dû rappeler CENTRAL EXTERMINATION parce que les souris n’étaient pas toutes exterminées. Le technicien exterminateur est revenu chez moi –GRATUITEMENT comme entendu dans le contrat– et il a inspecté les lieux et remis du poison contre les rongeurs. Je recommande l’entreprise CENTRAL EXTERMINATION sans aucune réserve. I am very satisfied with the work of CENTRAL EXTERMINATION. From my first call I felt confident, because the person who answered me gave me an honest estimate based on my problem that I explained. This unlike other extermination companies who reserve the surprise of the cost of their service once they arrive on the scene. In addition, CENTRAL EXTERMINATION offers a one-year warranty, unlike many other extermination companies that offer only a six (6) month warranty. Finally, I had to call CENTRAL EXTERMINATION a second time because the mice were not all exterminated. The exterminator technician came back to my house – FREE of charge as agreed in the contract – and he inspected the premises and put some poison against the rodents. I recommend CENTRAL EXTERMINATION without hesitation.
Ila Ila Avatar
Ila Ila
Professionnel, poli, ponctuel, rapide, courtois… J’ai choisis cette entreprise pour la garantie d’1 an. Merci à Ricardo pour son intervention
Farida Nisha Avatar
Farida Nisha
Awesome service with good followups
PAHF Fund Avatar
Always dependable, toujous dependable
Joseph Lutfi Avatar
Joseph Lutfi
We had a mouse problem back in the winter. One visit is all it took to take care of it. Ricky was on time, professional and very experienced.
Just recently, we had to make a service call because we started seeing a few ants here and there. Frank dispatched Ricky once again and everything has been taken care of.
Fouad Bitar Avatar
Fouad Bitar
They are professional; when they don’t answer, you can leave a voicemail and they will get back. They guaranteed their services for a year. I had to call them on few occasions and they were always friendly and never asked me to pay extra.
John Jordan Avatar
John Jordan
Had a couple of bedbug incidents over the 14 years I have lived here, kind of inevitable. Both times Rick got the problem done on the first treatment of the three and resolved the problem quickly. Paid by my landlord so not sure of cost but the service itself was professional and very effective.
Ken Xie Avatar
Ken Xie
After extermination, the bedbugs were gone. My daughter was suffering of the bite.
Joe Warren Avatar
Joe Warren
Central Extermination did exactly what they say they will. They killed the wasps. Additionally, they answer their phone with a real person not a machine, the appointment they make, they keep. Good professional work.
Central Extermination
4.9 Stars - Based on 147 User Reviews
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