We’ve all woken up to find one or two of those itchy little
bumps on our skin that mean it’s time to give the sheets a good wash. It may be
gross to think about and you may be reluctant to admit it, but we know everyone
has at one point had to deal with the unwelcome little pests we call bed bugs.

Many people believe that the presence of bed bugs is caused
by a dirty, unhygienic environment—but this is actually not the case. Bed bugs
do like to hide in cluttered, messy, grimy places, so the misconception is reasonable,
but that isn’t what draws them into your home.

Knowing where they come from is an important step to bed bug
prevention, so make sure you’re always paying attention to these ways you can
catch them!

So, where do bed bugs come from?

As we mentioned earlier, these nettlesome little creatures don’t go where the dirt is—they go where the food is! Bed bugs get their meals from blood, but they don’t set up camp on a host the same way a tick or flea does. These guys typically end up in your home because you brought them there, as they’re transferred by hitching a ride on moving humans and objects.

Where are bed bugs usually picked up?

Because bed bugs are carried by people and things, there are
a few places where you’re more likely to pick them up.

Suitcases and bags are easily clung to and often make an ideal mode of transportation for the annoying little insects. Movie theaters packed with people tend to attract them as well with condensed body heat.

Transportation mediums such as airplanes, taxis, buses, etc., experience heavy traffic of both humans and objects and are common hubs for bed bugs. Hotels are also particularly hospitable for them due to the constant presence and flow of luggage, people, and even furniture.

Why do bed bugs spread?

These micro-pests are great at hiding—they’re small, fast, and have a unique round shape that allows them to condense and squeeze into tight places. But why do they travel in the first place? Why can’t they just stay on the bus and leave us alone?

Most often bed bugs spread in search of food, especially if
resources are scarce. They also disperse in the event of rapid colony growth or
if the object they’ve infested is shifted.

Being aware of the most common bed bug hot spots is
something everyone should take care to do to ensure you don’t unknowingly head
home with a couple of hitchhikers. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes impossible to
completely prevent an infestation despite how alert you are in public and how
often you clean your home.

Luckily, the experts at Central Extermination specialize in many types of pest prevention and elimination—including bed bugs. Give us a call today to get a free estimate and learn more about our cost-effective bed bug solutions!